In School Support

At Imberhorne we support students in many ways, from Year 6 before students join the school through to helping Year 13's with next steps beyond school-life. Form tutors play a key role, not just as a point of contact but also for student wellbeing. Of course there may be times when students need a little more support and there are many people available to them. 

Mrs L Galloway, Year 7 Pastoral Support lgalloway [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs G Resce, Year 8 Pastoral Support gresce [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs N Beeney, Year 9 Pastoral Support nbeeney [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs M Malone, Year 10 Pastoral Support mmalone [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mr P Powders, Student Learning Mentor ppowders [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs L Miles, Student Learning Mentor lmiles [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk

Mrs J Cooper, Sixth Form Pastoral Support jcooper2 [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk


Well-being and Mental Health Referrals

School Nurse

Need to speak to someone in confidence?  Eva Mills, the school nurse is available to talk to. Please see Mrs S Cook in Reception (Windmill Lane), Mrs Evans/Mrs Buss, Head of Year Office (Imberhorne Lane) or Mrs Cooper in the Sixth Form Pastoral Office to be referred. Alternatively, telephone 01342 325513 between 9.00am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday all year round.

There is a number for texting the school nurse from your mobile phone and it is available now. ChatHealth, the school nurse messaging service, is confidential and available from 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.  You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, like relationships, emotional health and wellbeing, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns. 

The text number is 07480635424 (West Sussex School Nursing Service)

Talk Sense

This scheme is run by trained members of our Sixth Form student and staff body. It is a weekly service, offering our younger students a listening ear, an older mentor and a smiling face. Please contact eforbes-turner [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk for further information.